This is written assuming you know a bit about wrestling - I don't explain who people are, the stories or the lingo. It's really just a chance for me to get some thoughts out. Also yes I know it's all fake and no I don't care.
Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship: The Miz vs. Wade Barrett vs. Curtis Axel
- I still really, really hate Face Miz. He's such a dick and a crappy wrestler too. He also can't make the figure four look good in any way.
- Hopefully Wade Barrett can be buried somewhere for a while now. The horrifying booking wasn't his fault but he's rubbish on the mic and not brilliant in the ring.
- I sort of hope Axel's entire character gimmick becomes 'guy who manages to win matches in incredibly lame ways'. Having said that, this was actually a pretty smart finish and certainly way better than his terrible count out wins.
- Axel winning was kind of unexpected because he was a last minute sub for the injured Fandango. Was this push originally meant to go Fandango? Regardless, it works and Axel winning his fathers trademark title on Father's Day was a nice touch.
- Overall, a solid match to open. Nothing spectacular but well worked with the right finish.
Divas Championship Match: Kaitlyn vs AJ Lee
- Wait, what? A Divas match actually worth watching?
- Not sure why Ziggler didn't come out with them. Maybe so he didn't overshadow the match?
- As ever, my enjoyment of any Divas match is severely reduced by Jerry Lawler being a fucking creep on commentary.
- Decent work on display here. High point was probably Kaitlyn throwing AJ over the announce table.
- I really like this result, especially the fact Kaitlyn had to tap out, thus furthering her anguish. Hopefully this leads to either a goes-crazy heel turn or a decent road to redemption story.
United States Championship Match: Dean Ambrose vs. Kane
- Eeeeeeeeh.
- Oh alright. Totally bog-standard match that really belongs on a filler episode of Smackdown. Ambrose is a great seller and Kane is much better than he has any right to be at this age, but nothing too showy here.
- Perhaps the most predictable match of the night.
World Heavyweight Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio
- Ziggler has been both extremely unlucky with his concussion and badly booked. He's never looked dominant.
- I HATED this match at first, but as it became clear they were trying for a double turn it made much more sense.
- Ziggler was as good as ever and sold 'plucky underdog' very well. Del Rio was solid as always.
- Del Rio's promo after the match was not fantastic but it got the crowd booing again and that's all that was needed really.
- With all that said, and acknowledging the cleverness of the story, I'm really uneasy about this blurring between work concussions and shoot concussions. The uncertain line between kayfabe and real life is part of my interest in wrestling but this runs the risk of devaluing the actual seriousness of head injuries. Watching Del Rio kick in Ziggler's skull in was uncomfortable even though I knew it was faked.
CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
- I honestly thought Punk would no show this given how rushed and unfulfilling the buildup has been.
- I do like that they delayed his entrance and had him keep the hood up a little too long to cast doubt into our minds.
- Nice chops Wolverine.
- Otherwise, good, strong match. Not a masterpiece, but great work from both guys.
- I was sort of hoping for Jericho to win and send Punk into a spiral of 'I've lost it' despair after his losses to The Rock and The Undertaker. But given how incredibly partisan the crowd was this was the right result.
Tag Team Championship Match: Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan & Randy Orton
- Haven't we already seen this match like a billion times? OK not really but this feud is aging fast.
- Daniel Bryan was amazing as always. He's one of the few wrestlers who looks like he's totally into it and actually out to maim people. Incredibly over with the crowd too.
- Randy Orton was boring as always. Have never understood the appeal. Further intriguing hints of a heel turn here though.
- The Shield were as efficient as always. Rollins and Reigns are a good partnership.
Three Stages of Hell Match for the WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Ryback (Lumberjack/Table/Ambulance)
- Surprisingly not terrible!
- I think the key here was each stage was kept relatively short and didn't outstay its welcome. The entire match was over in about half an hour.
- Despite the thunderous 'GOLDBERG' chants, Ryback was not bad here. He'll never be Daniel Bryan but he worked efficiently.
- Cena was also not bad, and he has a history of rising to the occasion for big gimmick matches. He got the best spot when he jumped off of the turnbuckle and flattened the lumberjacks.
- The stages got progressively worse, as is the fashion. Ripping bits off of the ambulance was a fun way to keep it going but it couldn't save that last segment.
- The finish was totally stupid but in a sort of cool way. Decent bump to end with.
- While I don't think anyone really expected Ryback to win, the question is what now? His push is essentially over and nobody is going to buy him as an indestructible monster anymore. He'll completely disappear unless creative can find a decent new groove for him.
As you might be able to tell from all the comments, this was a solid, unspectacular PPV that nevertheless did the job and maybe slightly exceeded expectations. It was great to see Punk back, a decent Divas match was a rare treat and for better or worse this should be the definitive end of the Cena/Ryback feud. Still, this wasn't exactly an action masterpiece. We'll have to hope for better from next month's Money in the Bank, traditionally one of the year's best constests.
(All photos courtesy of
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