Friday, 20 February 2009

State of Play

So as I rather abruptly pointed out in my previous post, my Xbox 360 rather catastrophically failed. This was not a good state of affairs, what with the then impending release of Street Fighter IV. Rather than wait the month or so for the repair, I decided to pick up an Arcade unit, and hunted down one of the new 'Jasper' chipsets, which are hopefully less prone to this sort of thing.  I also recieved some bad but far more predictable news, namely that my Tournament Edition Fightstick was delayed, and won't be arriving for several weeks. These disappointments were offset by the arrival of Street Fighter IV two days early. My first impressions are that it's very very good indeed, and a full review will be forthcoming.  With my old Xbox safely ensconced in Germany, I'm also continuing my backlog play, making another run through MGS3, completing Rez HD and will probably grab Noby Noby Boy soon. Further updates soon.

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